§ 801. Classification and pay plan and rules affecting costs. |
§ 802. Exempt positions. |
§ 803. Classified positions. |
§ 804. Appointing authority. |
§ 805. Eligibility lists. |
§ 806. Probationary period. |
§ 807. Permanent status. |
§ 808. Grounds for removal of permanent employee. |
§ 809. Repealed by Res. No. 40-88. |
§ 810. Abolition of position in budget. |
§ 811. Right to organize and collective bargaining. |
§ 812. Binding arbitration for law enforcement employees and for uniformed firefighters of the Fire Department. |
§ 813. Prohibited practices. |
§ 814. Pensions of persons not a part of the Maryland State Retirement and Pension Systems. |
§ 815. Retiree Health Benefits Trust. |