(a) Readings. There shall be a first reading and a final reading of each bill.
(b) First reading. On the first reading, a bill shall be read by number and title only when introduced.
(c) Final reading. On final reading a bill shall, at the request of a member of the County Council, be read once section by section for amendment before vote on final passage.
(d) Amended bills. If amended, a bill shall, at the request of a member, be read as amended before vote on final passage.
(e) Form of amended bills. Amendments to a bill shall be offered in printed, photocopied, or typewritten form.
(f) Withdrawal. A sponsor may withdraw a bill at any time before a final vote is taken unless the bill has been amended or another member objects.
(g) Vote on final passage. Vote on final passage shall be by roll call by yeas and nays.
(h) Enrolling. After passage of a bill, the Administrative Officer shall promptly prepare an enrolled copy in printed or typewritten form. On enrolling, the Administrative Officer may correct obvious errors in section references and numbers, references to existing law, capitalization, spelling, grammar, headings, and similar matters.
(i) Certification. The Administrative Officer shall certify the enrolled copy or a corrected copy as being the text as finally passed, and the certified copy shall be conclusive evidence of the bill as enacted.
(j) Retention of certified copies. Certified copies shall be maintained by the Administrative Officer in an official file of acts of the County Council.