(a) Scope. This section applies to the Board of Electrical Examiners, the Gas Commission, the Board of Environmental Systems Examiners, and the Plumbing Commission.
(b) Terms. The terms of the members run concurrently with the term of the County Executive or until the successors of the members are duly appointed.
(c) Vacancy. Whenever a vacancy occurs during the term of a member, the County Executive shall appoint a qualified successor to complete the unexpired balance of the term.
(d) Officers. The Board or Commission shall elect from its membership a Chair and a Vice Chair. It shall be the Chair's duty to preside over the meetings.
(e) Meetings. The Board or Commission shall meet at the request of the Director. The Chair also shall schedule meetings on the request of four members of the Board.
(f) Notice. Unless all members waive notice, each member is entitled to at least five days' written notice of a meeting.
(g) Quorum. Four members shall constitute a quorum. Business shall be conducted by majority vote.
(h) Reimbursement of expenses. Members are not entitled to compensation for their services, but are entitled to reimbursement for reasonable and necessary expenses as provided in the budget.
(i) Rules of procedure. The Board or Commission may adopt rules of procedure and bylaws for the orderly conduct of business.
(j) Duties. The Board or Commission shall advise the Director on the issuance of licenses; hear complaints relating to violations of this title and advise the Director of its findings and recommendations; advise and assist in the adoption of rules and regulations; and generally advise and assist the Director with respect to the provisions of this title. In addition, the Board of Electrical Examiners shall ascertain by appropriate written examination the qualifications and capabilities of persons who are or who desire to be engaged in the electrical trade.
(1985 Code, Art. 16, §§ 6-202, 6-203, 6-204, 7-202, 7-203, 7-204, 11-202, 11-203, 11-204, 14-202, 14-203, 14-204) (Bill No. 57-89; Bill No. 61-91; Bill No. 75-91; Bill No. 23-04)
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