In this title, the following words have the meanings indicated:
(1) “Agency” means the Animal Control Agency.
(2) “Animal” means a vertebrate species of animal other than a human, including a dog, a cat, livestock, and fowl.
(3) “Animal Control Agency” means the section in the Police Department directed by the Chief of Police or otherwise authorized by law to administer and enforce this article.
(4) “Animal control facility” means a facility owned or operated in the County by or under contract with the County for the care, confinement, disposition, or detention of animals.
(5) “Animal exposed to rabies” means an animal that has been bitten by an animal that either has rabies or has been in proximity or contact with an animal that has rabies or has been exposed to an animal that has rabies.
(6) “Animal fancier kennel” means a private kennel maintained by a fancier on the fancier’s premises for the maintenance or training of animals owned by the fancier.
(7) “Animal hospital” means an establishment maintained or operated by a veterinarian for immunization, hospitalization, surgery, or diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of disease and injuries of animals.
(8) “At large” means off the property of an animal’s owner and not leashed and under the control of a responsible person.
(9) “Attack dog” means a dog trained to attack only on command or to protect human beings or property.
(10) “Boarding” means keeping an animal overnight in a commercial establishment used for the keeping of animals or keeping an animal overnight at a licensed pet care business as defined in §§
12-4-101(30) and
18-10-128 of this Code.
(11) “Cage” means an enclosure of limited space that is enclosed on the bottom, top, and sides and in which animals are placed.
(12) “Cat fancier” means an individual who owns or keeps on the individual’s premises 10 or more cats.
(13) “Chief” means the Chief of Police or the designee of the Chief of Police.
(14) “Commercial establishment” means an establishment the primary function of which is the sale of a product or service.
(15) "Commercial kennel" means an animal boarding place or other establishment for the commercial breeding of dogs or cats, or the boarding, grooming, or sale of dogs or cats for which a fee is charged, but does not include a dog fancier's kennel or an animal hospital maintained by a licensed veterinarian as part of the practice of veterinary medicine for the treatment of animals.
(16) "Commission" means the Animal Control Commission.
(17) “Community cat” means an unowned, free-roaming cat, 12 weeks of age or older who is cared for by one or more persons residing or working in the immediate area who are known or unknown. A community cat may or may not be feral.
(18) “Community cat caregiver” means a person or group that, in accordance with a good faith effort to conduct trap-neuter-return, provides food, shelter, and medical care to a community cat. A community cat caregiver is not the owner of a community cat.
(19) “Cruelty” means an act or omission by which unjustifiable physical pain, suffering, or death is caused or permitted, including a failure to provide proper drink, air, space, shelter, or protection from the elements, veterinary care, or nutritious food in sufficient quantity and a failure to employ the most reasonably humane method available with respect to an activity in which physical pain is necessarily caused, such as food processing, hunting, experimentation, or pest elimination.
(20) “Dangerous animal” means an animal that has been designated as dangerous by the Agency.
(21) “Disposition” means placement of a pet in an approved home, humane administration or performance of euthanasia, or, in the case of a wild animal, release into a suitable habitat, but does not include selling or giving up an animal for commercial or experimentation purposes.
(22) “Dog fancier” means an individual who on residential property owns or keeps five or more dogs primarily as pets, but the keeping of the dogs primarily as pets may include noncommercial hunting or practice tracking, the breeding and sale of not more than two litters in a 12-month period, and the exhibiting of a dog in dog shows in field or obedience trials.
(23) “Domesticated animal” means an animal that by long-continued association with people has become thoroughly tame or domesticated, including a dog, cat, horse, mule, goat, cow, bull, pig, domestic fowl, or other animal that, by habit or training, lives in association with humans.
(24) “Eartipping” means the deliberate removal or no more than one-quarter of an inch from the tip of a community cat’s left ear, performed by a licensed veterinarian while the cat is under anesthesia. Eartips shall be used to identify a community cat as being sterilized and vaccinated for rabies at least once, but does not serve as proof of a current rabies vaccination.
(25) “Exotic animal” means an animal introduced from another country and not indigenous to the State.
(26) “Facility” means a building or property other than a private residence in which an animal is maintained.
(27) “Farm” means land of 20 acres or more, all or part of which is used in commercial cultivation or for raising animals.
(28) “Feral cat” means a cat that shows no evidence of being owned, such as wearing a collar or tag or appearing groomed and exhibits savage or wild behavior or is living in the wild.
(29) “Grooming parlor” means a commercial operation for the bathing, dipping, cutting, or grooming of animals.
(30) “Healthful” means being in a condition appropriate to the particular species of animal involved that is hygienic and conducive to maintenance of the animal’s well-being and to prevention of disease.
(31) “Keep” means to permit either feeding or sheltering an animal on the premises of the occupant or owner who permits it.
(32) “Minor injury” means any physical injury that is not a severe injury.
(33) “Obedience trained animal” means an animal demonstrably trained to obey on command, including to heel on or off a leash, obey a command to come to its owner, or sit, lie, and stand until further command.
(34) “Owner” means a person who keeps, has temporary or permanent custody of, possesses, exercises control over, or has a property right in any animal, livestock, or fowl, except that animal hospitals, commercial kennels, community cat caregivers, and pet shops and their employees are not owners.
(35) “Pet care business” means the temporary keeping of pets owned by others in a residence for a fee, including day care or boarding but not pet grooming.
(36) “Pet shop” means a separate commercial establishment that offers to sell live animals with the intent that they be kept as pets.
(37) “Petting zoo” means a commercial establishment or activity a substantial purpose of which is to permit human beings to come into physical contact with animals.
(38) “Potentially dangerous animal” means an animal that has been designated as potentially dangerous by the Agency.
(39) “Public nuisance” means an act by an animal that substantially interferes with the rights of citizens to enjoyment of life or property and that unreasonably annoys humans, endangers the life or health of other animals or human beings, or offends human senses, including the molesting of pedestrians, the chasing of vehicles, the damaging of property of someone other than the owner of the animal, and continually and repeatedly howling, barking, whining, or otherwise making noise that causes unreasonable annoyance, disturbance, or discomfort to neighbors or others in close proximity to the premises where a person keeps an animal.
(40) “Public nuisance condition” means an unsanitary, dangerous, or offensive condition caused by the extreme size or number of animals kept on any premises or by the inadequacy of facilities or a continuing or periodically recurring public nuisance.
(41) “Quarantine” means confinement in a secure house, garage, or other escape-proof enclosure or structure.
(42) “Sanitary” means being in a condition of good order and cleanliness that precludes the probability of transmission of disease.
(43) “Severe injury” means any physical injury requiring professional medical treatment that is directly caused by an animal, and that results in multiple skin punctures, one or more muscle tears, dislocated or broken bones or disfiguring lacerations, significant impairment of an essential bodily function; or that requires corrective or cosmetic surgery or hospitalization.
(44) “Stray” means a domesticated animal off the property of its owner and not under the control of the owner or the authorized agent of the owner.
(45) “Supervised” means in direct observation of an owner.
(46) “Trap” means an animal-holding or animal-capturing device that is used for apprehending live animals and is approved by the Animal Control Agency.
(47) “Trap-neuter-return” means the process of humanely trapping, sterilizing, vaccinating for rabies, eartipping, and returning a community cat to their original location, and includes a plan for revaccination of the community cat in accordance with State law.
(48) “Vicious animal” means an animal that has been designated as vicious by the Agency.
(49) “Wild animal” means an animal that is not a domesticated animal.
(1985 Code, Art. 12, § 1-101) (Bill No. 29-91; Bill No. 83-94; Bill No. 67-98; Bill No. 20-00; Bill No. 41-01; Bill No. 11-07; Bill No. 44-14; Bill No. 59-17; Bill No. 96-17; Bill No. 50-18; Bill No. 90-18)