§ 12-4-406. Dangerous animal registry.

Latest version.
  • (a) Registry established. The agency shall establish and maintain a dangerous animal registry for the County to include all animals determined to be dangerous or potentially dangerous. The following information, if available, shall be included on the registry: the name of the animal, picture, sex, age, weight, primary breed, secondary breed, color and markings, whether spayed or neutered, the address or map where the animal is maintained, name of the owner, and address of the owner. The registry shall be made available to the public on the County website.
    (b) Annual registration. Prior to the expiration of an animal license each year, and until the dangerous or potentially dangerous animal is deceased, the owner shall submit to the County a license renewal that includes all information contained in the original registration and any updates. The agency shall post any updates to the registry within a reasonable period of time. In the event contact information for the owner changes, the owner shall update the agency within 10 days of the change. The owner shall comply with notification requirements in the original order regarding the animal’s location and disposition.
    (c) Notice. The owner of an animal with a dangerous animal order shall send a notice to all persons residing within 175 feet of a property where a dangerous animal is maintained, and if applicable, the president of any community or homeowners’ association of the subdivision in which the animal is maintained.
    (Bill No. 59-17; Bill No. 90-18)