§ 12-4-702. Dog and cat licenses.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Licenses generally. A County resident who is not a dog fancier, cat fancier, or commercial kennel owner shall have and maintain a license under this subsection for each dog or cat owned.
    (1) An owner of a dog or cat shall apply for a license for each animal within 10 days after the dog or cat becomes six months old or within 30 days after bringing a dog or cat into the County.
    (2) An owner of a dog or cat shall submit a current rabies certificate for each dog or cat owned and submit updated rabies information for each licensed dog or cat when renewing a license under this subsection. An owner shall maintain at all times a current rabies certificate for each licensed dog or cat.
    (3) A license for a dog or cat shall be renewed annually on a schedule determined by the Department, except that an owner may obtain a three year license if it coincides with the expiration of a three year rabies vaccination for the animal.
    (4) The fee for each license established in this subsection is set forth in the following charts.
    Dog or cat license fees – Other than a dog fancier, cat fancier, or commercial kennel
    (1-year license)
    County residents under the age of 60 years
    County residents at least 60 years old, or receiving disability benefits as a result of a finding of permanent and total disability
    For each unspayed or unneutered dog or cat
    For each spayed or neutered dog or cat or for a dog or cat for which spaying or neutering would pose a threat to the animal’s health
    For a service animal as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title III, CFR §36.104 or a dog trained and registered in the K-9 corps
    Dog or cat license fees – Other than a dog fancier, cat fancier, or commercial kennel
    (3-year license)
    County residents under the age of 60 years
    County residents at least 60 years old, or receiving disability benefits as a result of a finding of permanent and total disability
    For each unspayed or unneutered dog or cat
    For each spayed or neutered dog or cat or for a dog or cat for which spaying or neutering would pose a threat to the animal’s health
    For a service animal as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title III, CFR §36.104 or a dog trained and registered in the K-9 corps
    (5) All licenses shall be renewed upon expiration for as long as the owner owns the dog or cat. An application for renewal shall be accompanied by the required license fee. Failure to make application for renewal within one month of the license renewal due date shall result in a late fee of $10.
    (6) In the event a dog or cat dies prior the expiration of the three year license, the owner of the deceased animal may apply for a refund from the Agency by submitting an affidavit of the animal’s death and a refund request. A refund shall be based on a prorated amount determined by the animal’s date of death. All refunds shall be issued by the County in the form of a check. Refunds shall apply only to a three year license under this subsection.
    (b) Dog fancier, cat fancier, commercial kennel, or pet care licenses. A dog fancier, cat fancier, commercial kennel or pet care business shall have and maintain a license under this subsection for each dog or cat owned, in addition to the requirements and fees set forth in §§ 12-4-703, 12-4-704, 12-4-705, and 12-4-710.
    (1) An owner of a dog or cat shall apply for a license for each animal within 10 days after the dog or cat becomes six months old or within 30 days after bringing a dog or cat into the County.
    (2) An owner of a dog or cat shall submit a current rabies certificate for each dog or cat owned and submit updated rabies information for each licensed dog or cat when renewing a license under this subsection. An owner shall maintain at all times a current rabies certificate for each licensed dog or cat.
    (3) The fee for each license, in addition to the fees required under §§ 12-4-703, 12-4-705, and 12-4-706, is set forth in the following chart.
    Dog or cat license fees – Dog fancier, cat fancier, or a commercial kennel
    (1-year license)
    A dog fancier, cat fancier, or commercial kennel owner under the age of 60 years
    A dog fancier, cat fancier, or commercial kennel owner, at least 60 years old, or receiving disability benefits as a result of a finding of permanent and total disability
    For each unspayed or unneutered dog or cat
    For each spayed or neutered dog or cat or for a dog or cat for which spaying or neutering would pose a threat to the animal’s health
    For a service animal as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title III, CFR § 36.104 or a dog trained and registered in the K-9 corps
    (4) All licenses issued under this subsection shall expire one year from the last day of the month in which the license was issued.
    (5) All licenses shall be renewed annually for as long as the owner owns the dog or cat. An application for renewal shall be accompanied by the required license fee. Failure to make application within one month of the due date shall result in a late fee of $10.
    (c) Dangerous animal licenses. This subsection applies to any County resident, dog fancier, cat fancier, or commercial kennel owner owning a dangerous or potentially dangerous animal.
    (1) An owner of a dangerous or potentially dangerous animal shall apply for and maintain a special license for each dangerous or potentially dangerous animal owned within thirty days from the entry of a dangerous or potentially dangerous animal order by the Agency pursuant to § 12-4-403.
    (2) An owner of a dangerous or potentially dangerous animal shall submit a current rabies certificate for each dog or cat owned and comply with any other rabies vaccination requirements established in an order issued by the Agency pursuant to § 12-4-403. An owner of a dangerous or potentially dangerous animal shall maintain a current rabies certificate for each dangerous and potentially dangerous animal owned.
    (3) The special license fee for a dangerous animal is $125.00 annually. The fee for an animal found to be potentially dangerous prior to October 1, 2017 is $100 annually.
    (4) All licenses issued under this subsection shall expire one year from the last day of the month in which the license was issued.
    (5) All licenses issued under this subsection shall be renewed annually for as long as the owner owns a dangerous or potentially dangerous animal. An application for renewal shall be accompanied by the required license fee. Failure to make application within one month of the due date shall result in a late fee of $10.
    (6) Potentially dangerous animal orders issued prior to October 1, 2017 shall remain in full effect and potentially dangerous animal licenses shall be renewed annually. The Agency may issue a dangerous animal order for any violation of an active potentially dangerous animal order.
    (d) License and tags. Each owner of a licensed dog or cat shall be issued a license and numbered metal license identification tag. The license tag shall be securely fastened to the dog or cat at all times except when the animal is on the premises of its owner or when a dog is engaged in supervised hunting or other sport where a collar would endanger the dog’s safety or adversely affect its hunting or sport purpose. A replacement license tag shall be issued to the owner on application and the payment of $1 to the County.
    (Bill No. 65-11; Bill No. 44-14; Bill No. 11-16; Bill No. 59-17; Bill No. 63-18)