The provisions of the "Anne Arundel County Plumbing Code, 1993" are amended, deleted, or corrected as follows and the following provisions shall supersede the part of the text of the "Anne Arundel County Plumbing Code, 1993" indicated:
(1) In section 1600, after "26.04.03.", insert:
“Wherever a sewer main for public use exists in the road right of way of any street or alley which directly adjoins or abuts a property within 50 feet, or within 100 feet of a property in the critical area, the owner of all buildings intended for human habitation, occupancy, or use shall connect any new or substantially improved building or any existing system requiring repair or replacement to the public sewer main except that, in the case of a repair or replacement system, extension of the public sewer is not required.
Repair defined. For purposes of this section, any alteration, change, or addition to an existing septic system that requires a permit under section 106.6.2 of the Anne Arundel County Plumbing Code shall be considered a repair. The repair or replacement of piping due to clogged or broken lines does not constitute a repair.
Substantial improvement defined. For purposes of this section, substantial improvement shall have the meaning as defined in § 16-1-101 of the Anne Arundel County Code.
Distance calculation. For purposes of this section, when determining and calculating the 50 foot or 100 foot distance from the public sewer main to the adjoining or abutting property, the measurement shall commence from the terminus of the public sewer main and extend along the centerline of the road, street, or alley containing the public sewer main and extend to the nearest side property line of the subject parcel.”
(2) In section 1600.1.e., strike "Or into a sand mound system".
(3) In section 1600.1.e., in the second sentence, strike "Underground" and substitute "Conventional sewage" and strike "or sand mound" and strike "innovative or alternative" and substitute "non- conventional".
(4) In section 1600.1.e., after "individual sewage disposal system.", insert:
"It shall be the owner's responsibility to maintain a private sewage disposal system as installed and to avoid creation of a public health nuisance."
(5) In section 1600.1.g., before "it", insert:
"No cesspool, septic tank, privy, or other means of private sewage disposal shall be permitted wherever a sewer under public ownership adjoins the property in question, and each and every existing cesspool, privy, or other means of private sewage disposal must be eliminated and abandoned."
(6) In section 1600.1.h, after "code.", insert:
"The adequacy of the sewage disposal system shall be determined based on soil permeability rate, amount of usable soils, water table depth, use of the property and maximum sewage flow as outlined in this Code."
(7) In section 1600.1.i, after the first sentence, insert:
"Onsite sewage disposal systems serving existing structures for which additions, alterations, or changes in use are proposed shall be determined by the approving authority to be capable of handling existing and foreseeable increases in sewage flow based on the provisions of this Code."
(8) In section 1600.1.i.(iii), after "all", insert "Existing and proposed" and, after "systems", insert "on the property and" and, after "line.", insert "replacement of existing wells may be required if necessary to identify an area for sewage disposal and future replacement systems."
(9) In section 1600.1.i.(v), after "system and", strike "replacements" and substitute "future replacement areas".
(10) In section 1600.1.k., after "chapter", insert:
"The approving authority may adopt minimum standards for the design and construction of private sewage disposal systems in the implementation of this Code."
(11) In section 1600.1.l., in the first sentence, after "chapter", insert "And the 2003 International Plumbing Code", and strike "Chapter III of this Code" and substitute "the 2003 International Plumbing Code" and strike the last sentence in its entirety.
(12) In section 1600.1.m., after "installation of", insert:
"Conventional speculative and".
(13) After section 1600.1.n., insert:
"O. The separation to the ground water shall be maximized for the installation of a private sewage disposal system and shallow system designs shall be required where feasible."
(14) In section 1600.2.c.(iv) strike "Inspected and given final written" and in the second sentence, after "approving authority", insert "has been granted".
(15) In section 1600.3.3, after "swimming pool", insert "Or water treatment equipment" and, in the second sentence, after "system.", insert "separate sewage disposal systems may be required for backwash effluent from water conditioning equipment where water quality or wastewater flows may adversely impact a new or existing sewage disposal system. Existing disposal systems may be used as a means of sewage disposal for backwash effluent from water treatment equipment where systems are found in compliance with the provisions of this Code."
(16) Strike section 1600.3.6 in its entirety and substitute:
"Table 1600.3.6 establishes the minimum design criteria for determining sewage flows according to type of establishment."
(17) Strike table 1600.3.6 in its entirety and substitute:
Wastewater flow criteria for designing large onsite sewage disposal systems
Wastewater flows shall be determined based on the square footage of the building and the existing or proposed use. All uses shall be considered in determining wastewater flows.
Establishment | GPD* per unit |
Airport |
Per employee | 15 |
Per passenger | 5 |
(Add for food service facility) |
Animal shelter/kennels |
Per run | 25 |
Add per employee/shift | 15 |
Banks | .04 ** |
Beauty/barber shops |
Per station | 350 |
Bowling alley |
Per employee | 15 |
Per lane, no bar/food | 75 |
Per lane, bar only | 125 |
Per lane, bar and food | 200 |
Car wash | Per equipment specs |
Community colleges |
Per employee and student | 15 |
(Add for food service) |
Church/assembly hall |
Per seat | 3 |
(Add for food service) |
Country club |
Per resident member per room | 100 |
Per nonresident | 25 |
Department store | .04 ** |
With lunch counter | .08 ** |
Dinner theater | 20/seat |
Dance hall/night club | 5/seat |
(add for food service) |
Day care |
Family | 20/child |
Group | 25/child |
Dentist office |
Per chair | 450 |
Low water use equipment | .09 ** |
Drive in theater |
Per car space | 5 |
Drug stores | .13** |
Dry goods store | .05 ** |
Factory (manufacturing plant) |
Per employee/per shift | 15 |
Add for showers per employee | 10 |
Fairground |
Per person | 5 |
Golf course (public) |
Per 18 holes | 3500 |
Homes for the aged | 100/bed |
Hospital | 350/bed |
Laundry (coin operated) |
Per machine/per 24 hours | 400 |
Marinas |
Per slip, < 25 feet | 10 |
Per slip, 25-35 feet | 25 |
Per slip, > 35 feet | 75 |
Boatels (per slip/space) divide by 3 | 15 |
Pump out station (per slip) | 35 |
(Storage volume only) |
Medical office building | .62 ** |
Mobile home parks |
Per lot, minimum | 300 |
Motel or hotel |
Per unit (no food, no kitchen) | 125 |
Per unit (with food/kitchen/efficiency) | 200 |
Nursing home | 200/bed |
Office buildings | .09 ** |
Parks |
Per person (with toilets provided) | 10 |
Add for showers | 10 |
Visitor center per parking space | 45 |
Prison/jail |
Per bed space | 125 |
Per employee/shift | 15 |
Residential apartments or condominiums | 150/bedroom |
Rooming/boarding | 75/bedroom |
Restaurants/food service |
24-hour operation or fast food | 75/seat |
Interstate/major highway | 150/seat |
12-hour operation | 50/seat |
Bar/tavern/pub | 25/seat |
Banquet rooms | 5/seat |
Carryout service | 600 |
Deli/convenience store | 600 |
Retail stores | .05 ** |
Schools (per student) |
No food or showers | 15 |
Add for food | 5 |
Add for showers | 10 |
Boarding | 100 |
Service stations | .18 ** |
State highway rest area (mini station) | 2000 |
Shopping centers | .18 ** |
Spas/saunas/jacuzzi | 20% of volume |
Sports arena | 5/seat |
(Add for food service) |
Supermarkets | .02** |
Swimming pools |
Per swimmer | 10 |
Per employee | 15 |
Theater/arena |
Per seat, no food | 5 |
(Add for food service) |
Travel trailer park/camps |
Per space | 150 |
Per space with sewer/service building | 175 |
Children's camp | 50/person |
Labor camp | 50/person |
Luxury camp | 100/person |
Day camp (no meals) | 15/person |
Warehouse | .03 ** |
**Gallons per day per square foot
(18) In table 1600.4.3, after "drainfield", insert "**" and after "dry well" insert "*" and after "storm drain" insert "***" and at the bottom of the table insert:
"* Drywells must be separated from each other by a distance of three times the diameter of the well edge to edge. Thus an 8-foot well would have a separation of 24 feet from its neighbor.
** Standard drainfield trenches are 3 feet wide and are separated one from the another by 9 feet. All drainfield trenches are of equal length. No trench may exceed 100 feet. The approving authority will stipulate separation between deep drainfield trenches.
*** For storm drainage facilities other than those incorporating solid conduits (i.e., swales, storm water infiltration pits, and the like) a 25-foot minimum distance is required. Areas with a slope of greater than 25% cannot be utilized for individual sewage disposal system."
(19) In section 1600.5.1.c., strike "systems" and substitute "and conventional alternative systems".
(20) In section 1600.5.1.f, in the second sentence, after "groundwater", insert "or where seasonal fluctuations occur".
(21) In table 1600.5.4, strike "3.12" and substitute "1.56", strike "2.5" and substitute "1.25", strike "2.22" and substitute "1.11", strike "2.0" and substitute "1.0", strike "1.78" and substitute ".89", strike "1.58" and substitute ".79", strike "1.54" and substitute ".77", strike "1.38" and substitute ".69", strike "1.34" and substitute ".67", strike "1.18" and substitute ".59", strike "1.10" and substitute ".55", strike "1.84" and substitute ".52", strike ".96" and substitute ".49", strike ".92" and substitute ".46", strike ".72" and substitute ".36", and strike ".60" and substitute ".30".
(22) In 1600.6.1, strike "1600.3.7" and substitute "1600.3.6".
(23) In the footnote to table 1600.6.2, strike ", 6 inches".
(24) In section 1600.6.4, in the first sentence, after "tanks", insert:
"Including concrete, plastic, and fiberglass" and strike "submitted to" and substitute "approved by" and strike "for approval" and substitute "prior to installation".
(25) In section 1600.6.4, in the third sentence, after "septic tanks shall be", insert "watertight and", and strike "sound durable" and ", not subject" and after "to" insert "prevent" and strike "and shall be water tight".
(26) In section 1600.6.4., in the fifth sentence, strike "approved" and "as submitted and".
(27) In section 1600.6.4, strike the seventh and eight sentences in their entirety and substitute:
"Every septic tank must be a two-compartment tank with a top construction seam. There shall be no less than 2 inches between the invert inlet pipe and the invert outlet pipe."
(28) In section 1600.6.6 a., in the first and second sentences, strike "baffles" and substitute "tees" and in the third sentence strike "when" and strike "are used in the place of baffles, they".
(29) In section 1600.6.6 b., after the second sentence, insert:
"Manholes not extended to grade must have a pipe at ground surface marking the location of the manhole lid. Manholes extending above the ground surface shall be designed in a manner acceptable to the approving authority."
(30) In section 1600.6.6 c., strike "3" and substitute "4 or an equivalent design acceptable to the approving authority".
(31) Strike section 1600.6.6 i. In its entirety.
(32) In section 1600.6.6 j., strike "neoprene".
(33) In section 1606.6, after subsection l., insert:
"m. The internal wall must contain a slot of a minimum height of 2 inches and be located in the center of the liquid depth of the septic tank and shall extend 4 feet in length."
(34) After section 1600.6.8, insert:
Sewage holding tanks may be used to resolve existing onsite sewage disposal system failures when community sewer facilities are not available and an onsite repair is not possible.
a. Holding tanks must be of watertight construction and installed in such a manner as to minimize their potential for being impacted by ground or surface water. Where ground and surface waters exist, additional sealing methods for holding tanks, joints, or pipe connections may be required as necessary by the approving authority.
b. Holding tanks must be sized to accommodate 7 days of sewage flow. Larger holding tank capacities may be required when such use, flow or additional capacities are needed to maintain sanitary conditions.
c. The minimum capacity of a holding tank system serving a single residential dwelling shall be no less than 3,000 gallons.
d. Two or more holding tanks may be connected in series to reach the required storage capacity needed for existing use.
e. Holding tanks shall be equipped with a high water level alarm and shall provide an audible or visual signal and be installed in or on the building structure served by the holding tank system. The floats or other devices for the alarm shall be designed to activate when a minimum holding capacity equivalent to a 24-hour sewage flow is reached.
f. Each compartment of a holding tank system must have a manhole constructed to grade to allow access for system maintenance."
(35) In section 1600.10, in the second line, strike "will" and substitute "shall" and, after "followed:", insert "a. Grease interceptors shall be required for all food establishments where food preparation, food processing, or waste from food operations occur." and strike "a." and substitute "b."
(36) In section 1600.10 b., strike "b." and substitute "c." and strike "(metal or concrete)" and strike "approved" and strike "submitted to and" and, after "authority", insert "interior grease recovery units and metal grease interceptors shall not be permitted for use."
(37) In section 1600.10 c., strike "c." and substitute "d." and strike "30" and substitute "500".
(38) In section 1600.12, in the title, strike ": sand filters" and substitute "and non-conventional systems" and, in the first sentence, strike "sand filter and innovative/alternative" and substitute "non- conventional".
(39) In section 1600.13 b., after "application.", insert:
"The pump pit must be located after the septic tank and only septic tank effluent shall enter the pump pit unless otherwise authorized by the approving authority."
(40) In section 1600.13 c., after "grade", insert "with a 20-inch minimum manhole" and, after "sufficient", insert "for the existing or proposed use. Concrete components must have their only construction seam located above the inlet to the pump."
(41) After section 1600.13 g., insert:
"h. All pump pits serving nonresidential uses must have duplex pumping equipment."
(42) In section 1700.1 a., in the second sentence, after "chapter.", insert:
"The approving authority may adopt minimum standards for potable water supply and distribution systems in the implementation of this Code."
(43) In section 1700.1 b., strike "regulations of the Maryland State Board of Health And Mental Hygiene" and substitute "COMAR, 26.04.04".
(44) After section 1700.1 c., insert:
"d. When the approving authority finds there to be insufficient lot area or yield for an adequate potable water supply system for the building or land use proposed, no building permit shall be issued and no potable water supply system shall be permitted. Potable water supply systems serving existing structures for which additions, alterations, or a change in use is proposed, shall be determined by the approving authority as structurally adequate, potable, and capable of handling existing and foreseeable increases in water demand. A susceptibility analysis to existing or potential sources of contamination and additional water quality tests may be required at the discretion of the approving authority. Before a building permit is issued, site plans satisfactory to the approving authority must be submitted and approved.
The required site plan must contain the following:
1. detailed plans showing the location of the proposed structure to be served by the potable water supply system, and any existing or proposed structure within 30 feet of the property line.
2. Location of all existing and proposed wells and water lines on the property and within 100 feet of the property line.
3. Location of all existing and proposed septic systems, building sewer lines, and public sewer facilities on the property and within 100 feet of the property line.
e. A minimum separation of 30 feet must be maintained between a proposed structure and an existing water supply well."
(45) Strike sections 1700.2, 1700.2.1., 1700.2.2, 1700.2.3, 1700.2.4, 1700.3, 1700.4.1, 1700.4.2, and 1700.4.5 in their entirety.
(46) In section 1700.5.1 (f), strike "as required in subsection 1003.2.3".
(47) Renumber section 1700.6 to be 1700.2.
(48) Strike section 1700.7 in its entirety.
(49) Renumber section 1700.8 to be 1700.3.
(50) Strike sections 1700.9, 1700.9.1, 1700.9.2, 1700.9.3, 1700.9.4, 1700.9.4.1, 1700.9.4.2, 1700.9.4.3, 1700.10, 1700.11, 1700.12, and 1700.13 in their entirety.
(51) Renumber sections 1700.14, 1700.15, and 1700.16 to be sections 1700.4, 1700.6, and 1700.7, respectively.
(52) After section 1700.7, insert:
"1700.8 Connection to public water system required
a. Wherever a water main for public use exists in any street or alley and is within 50 feet of a property, the owner of all buildings intended for human habitation, occupancy, or use shall connect to the public water main."
b. Where an adequate public water system exists within 300 feet of an existing lot of record and is located within a water quality problem area as designated in the Anne Arundel County Master Plan for water supply and sewerage systems, connection shall be made to the public water system.
c. No well for potable use shall be constructed on a property accessible to an adequate public water supply.
1700.9 Private wells to be abandoned
Wherever a replacement well is installed, it shall be the owner's responsibility to abandon and seal a previously existing water supply in a manner satisfactory to the approving authority.
1700.10 Potability requirements
Any well intended to serve a building for human use or habitation shall meet the potability requirements of COMAR, 26.04.01 and 26.04.04, prior to occupancy."
(1985 Code, Art. 20, § 6-302) (Bill No. 46-03; Bill No. 27-12)