The provisions of the NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2012 Edition, are amended, deleted, or corrected as follows and the following provisions shall supersede the part of the text of the 2012 NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2012 Edition, as indicated:
(1) After section, insert:
“ Bulkhead door. A type of door assembly covering an opening in the ground providing direct access to a basement, the floor of which is not more than 8 feet below ground level. The door consists of a single rigid leaf or two overlapping rigid leaves or covers which need to be pushed or lifted upwards in order to be opened. A person, after opening the door, can walk up a series of steps to escape to the outside.”
(2) In section, strike “more than 3 but”.
(3) In section, strike “four or more”.
(4) In section, strike “four” and substitute “six”.
(5) In section 4.5.8, strike “for compliance with the provisions of this Code”.
(6) In section 4.6.11, after “4.6.7.”, insert, “A building permit for a change in use or occupancy shall be obtained from the Anne Arundel County Department of Inspections and Permits.”.
(7) In section, strike “for compliance with the provisions of this Code”.
(8) In section, strike “by the Code”.
(9) After section, insert:
“ Emergency plans shall be maintained in a location approved by the authority having jurisdiction.”
(10) In section, strike “four or more”.
(11) In section, strike “four” and substitute “six”.
(12) In section, strike “required” and replace with “provided”.
(13) After section, insert:
“ Slide bolt locks. Slide bolt locks shall not be permitted at any time.”
(14) In section, in the first line, after “permitted”, strike “in” and substitute “by the AHJ and”.
(15) In section, in the first sentence, strike “required to be”.
(16) In section, strike “required panic” and substitute “panic”.
(17) In Table, after “storage use” and in the subsection titled “In Storage Occupancies”, strike the first “NA” and substitute “500”, and strike the second “NA” and substitute “46.5”.
(18) In Table, after the section titled “Storage Use”, insert “Accessory Storage Areas and Mechanical Equipment Rooms” in the use column, and in the column titled “(ft2 per person)”, insert “300”, and in the column titled “(m2 per person)”, insert “27.9”.
(19) In section, strike the first “only” and substitute “, but not be limited to,”.
(20) In section, after “jurisdiction.”, insert “This paragraph does not permit the omission of manual fire alarm boxes in accordance with other provisions of this subsection unless specifically permitted by Chapters 12 through 43.”.
(21) Delete section and insert:
“ Smoke detectors used solely for closing dampers or heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning system shutdown shall not activate the building evacuation alarm. The power supply and installation wiring to the detectors shall be monitored by the building fire alarm system, and the activation of the detectors shall initiate a supervisory signal at a constantly attended location.”
(22) After section, insert:
“ For new ceiling installations, drop-out ceilings as referenced in NFPA 13, section 8.15.14 shall be prohibited.”
(23) In section 9.7.5, delete “required by this Code”.
(24) In section, after the last sentence, insert “High-rise buildings do not include a building used exclusively for open parking.”
(25) In section, after “films”, insert “or other approved testing standard approved by the State Fire Marshal”.
(26) In section, after “”, insert:
“(1) Not less than two separate exits shall be provided on every story.
(2) Not less than two separate exits shall be accessible from every part of every story.”
(27) In section, after “by”, insert “the AHJ and”.
(28) In section, at the beginning of the sentence insert: “When required by the AHJ,” and change “The” to lower case.
(29) In section, after “of”, insert “automatically transmitted”, and after “”, insert “or where required or approved by the AHJ,”.
(30) In section,, after “”, insert:
“(1) Not less than two separate exits shall be provided on every story.
(2) Not less than two separate exits shall be accessible from every part of every story.”
(31) After section, insert:
“ Day-care centers providing day care for school-age children before or after school hours in a building which is in use as a public or private school are not required to meet the provisions of this chapter, but shall meet the provisions for educational occupancies.”
(32) At the end of section after item (3), insert:
“(4) For windows at grade, the minimum net clear opening shall be permitted to be 5.0 square feet.”
(33) In section, strike “more than 3, but”, and after “12”, strike the comma.
(34) In section, strike “more than three, but,”, and strike “seven,” and substitute “nine”.
(35) In section, strike “7” and substitute “9”.
(36) In section, strike “both” and substitute “all”, and strike items (1) and (2) in their entirety and substitute:
“(1) The minimum staff-to-client ratio shall be not less than one staff for up to eight clients, including the caretaker’ own children incapable of self-preservation.
(2) There shall be not more than four clients incapable of self-preservation, including the caretaker’s own children incapable of self-preservation.
(3) A staff-to-client ratio of at least one staff to every two clients incapable of self-preservation shall be maintained at all times.
(4) The staff-to-client ratio shall be permitted to be modified by the authority having jurisdiction where safeguards in addition to those specified in this section are provided.”
(37) In section, after “24.2.”, insert “Bulkhead doors may not serve as a primary means of escape.”.
(38) In section, strike “Reserved.” and substitute:
“Sliding door. For family day-care homes, a sliding door used as a required means of escape shall comply with the following conditions:
(1) The sliding door shall have not more than one, easily operated, locking device that does not require special knowledge, effort, or tools to operate;
(2) There may not be draperies, screens, or storm doors that could impede egress;
(3) The sill or track height may not exceed 1/2 inch above the interior finish floor;
(4) The surface onto which exit is made shall be an all weather surface such as a deck, patio, or sidewalk;
(5) The floor level outside the door may be one step lower than the inside, but not more than 8 inches lower;
(6) The sliding door shall open to a clear open width of at least 28 inches;
(7) Before day-care use each day, the sliding door shall be unlocked and tested to the full required width to be sure it is operating properly, and the door shall be nonbinding and slide easily; and
(8) During periods of snow or freezing rain, door tracks shall be cleared out and the door opened periodically throughout the day in order to ensure proper operation.”
(39) In section, strike “Reserved.” and substitute:
“Special means of escape requirements. For family day-care homes, deadbolt locks shall be provided with approved interior latches, or these locks shall be of a captured key design from which the key cannot be removed from the interior side of the lock when the lock is in the locked position.”
(40) At the end of section, insert “(Bulkhead doors may not serve as a primary means of escape.)”.
(41) In section 16.7.5, after “present.”, insert:
“Exception: Day-care homes with no more than three clients for overnight lodging.”
(42) After section, insert:
“ Day-care centers providing day care for school-age children before or after school hours in a building which is in use as a public or private school are not required to meet the provisions of this chapter, but shall meet the provisions for educational occupancies.”
(43) After section, insert:
“(4) For windows at grade, the minimum net clear opening shall be permitted to be 5.0 square feet.”
(44) In section, strike “more than 3, but”, and after “12” strike the comma.
(45) In section, strike “more than three, but”, and strike “seven,” and substitute “nine”.
(46) In section, strike “7” and substitute “9”.
(47) In section,, strike items (1) and (2) in their entirety and substitute the following:
“(1) The minimum staff-to-client ratio shall be not less than one staff for up to eight clients, including the caretaker’s own children incapable of self-preservation.
(2) There shall be not more than four clients incapable of self-preservation, including the caretaker’s own children incapable of self-preservation.
(3) A staff-to-client ratio of at least one staff to every two clients incapable of self-preservation shall be maintained at all times.
(4) The staff-to-client ratio shall be permitted to be modified by the authority having jurisdiction where safeguards in addition to those specified in this section are provided.”
(48) In section, after “24.2.”, insert: “Bulkhead doors may not serve as a primary means of escape.”.
(49) In section, strike “Reserved.” and substitute:
“Sliding door. For family day-care homes, a sliding door used as a required means of escape shall comply with the following conditions:
(1) The sliding door shall have not more than one, easily operated, locking device that does not require special knowledge, effort, or tools to operate;
(2) There may not be draperies, screens, or storm doors that could impede egress;
(3) The sill or track height may not exceed 1/2 inch above the interior finish floor;
(4) The surface onto which exit is made shall be an all weather surface such as a deck, patio, or sidewalk;
(5) The floor level outside the door may be one step lower than the inside, but not more than 8 inches lower;
(6) The sliding door shall open to a clear open width of at least 28 inches;
(7) Before day-care use each day, the sliding door shall be unlocked and tested to the full required width to be sure it is operating properly, and the door shall be nonbinding and slide easily; and
(8) During periods of snow or freezing rain, door tracks shall be cleared out and the door opened periodically throughout the day in order to ensure proper operation.”
(50) In section, strike “Reserved.” and substitute:
“Special means of escape requirements. For family day-care homes, deadbolt locks shall be provided with approved interior latches, or these locks shall be of a captured key design from which the key cannot be removed from the interior side of the lock when the lock is in the locked position.”
(51) At the end of, insert “(Bulkhead doors may not serve as a primary means of escape.)”.
(52) In section, strike “existing”.
(53) In section 17.7.5, after “present.”, insert:
“Exception: Day-care homes with no more than three clients for overnight lodging.”
(54) In section, strike “or”.
(55) In section, in subsection (1), strike “2 minutes” and substitute “30 seconds”, and in subsection (2), strike “2-minute” and substitute “30-second”.
(56) Strike section in its entirety.
(57) Strike section in its entirety.
(58) In section, strike “or”.
(59) In section, in subsection (1), strike “2 minutes” and substitute “30 seconds”, and in subsection (2), strike “2-minute” and substitute “30-second”.
(60) Strike section in its entirety.
(61) Strike section in its entirety.
(62) In section, strike “three” and substitute “five”, and strike “, if any, accommodated in rented rooms”.
(63) In section, after “(0.53 m2)” insert “, or not less than 5.0 ft2 when at grade”.
(64) In section, after “buildings”, insert “that do not qualify as one- and two-family dwellings”.
(65) After section, insert:
“ Sprinkler zone/address coordination. Apartment buildings protected with NFPA13R, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height, sprinkler systems shall be zoned such that each entrance stairwell shall be served by a separate sprinkler zone, regardless of fire separation between buildings or dwelling units. Each entrance stairwell zone shall be identified by the appropriate building address for monitoring and emergency forces notification purposes.”
(66) In section, after “(0.53 m2)”, insert “or not less than 5 ft2 when at grade”.
(67) In section, strike “or” and substitute “or”.
(68) In section, after “(0.53 m2),”, insert “, or not less than 5.0 square feet when at grade”.
(69) In section, delete, “ and”.
(70) Delete section in its entirety.
(71) In section, after “enclosures” insert “in accordance with section”.
(72) In section, after “stories” insert “and have no openings therein”.
(73) In section, after “stories” insert “and have no openings therein”.
(74) In section, after “occupancies”, insert “less than three stories”.
(75) In section, after “occupancies’, insert “less than three stories”.