A proposed record plat shall be on an 18" x 24" mylar sheet with a 1½" margin at the left edge, and shall contain the following:
(1) a title block in the lower right corner that includes:
(i) a proposed subdivision name that does not duplicate or closely approximate any other subdivision name;
(ii) the title, scale, date, and Maryland NAD 83;
(iii) the location by County and State and the assessment district;
(iv) if the final plan was for a site that is less than what was covered by the sketch plan, the subdivision name and section, the outlines of the proposed subdivision, roads within 1,000 feet of the proposed subdivision, and abutting properties; and
(v) for all unsubdivided property within 200 feet of the boundaries of the proposed subdivision, the name and address of the property owner of record and the tax map, block, and parcel number;
(2) for a subdivision served by public water and public sewer, a signature block to the left of the title block for the Planning and Zoning Officer, indicating that the Planning and Zoning Officer signs for the Office of Planning and Zoning and for the Health Officer or, for all other subdivisions, separate signature blocks for the Health Officer and Planning and Zoning Officer to the left of the title block, with an identification of whether the subdivision is served by well and septic, well and public sewer, or public water and septic;
(3) the name, address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the consultant who submitted the plat to left of the signature blocks in the lower left corner of the plat;
(4) a vicinity map in the upper right corner;
(5) general notes below the vicinity map, including notes that street names and addresses noted on the plat represent official address data at the time of plat approval and that the Planning and Zoning Officer may change street names and property addresses to ensure the public health, safety, and welfare;
(6) a tabulation below the general notes that includes the total number of lots; the current zoning of the property; the net density of the site; the density of any bulk parcel; and the gross area of the site, each lot, open space, recreation area, floodplain, public road rights-of-way, and private road rights-of- way;
(7) reference to each condition, covenant, and restriction relating to the use and maintenance of open space;
(8) a dedication by all owners, with the exception of lienholders, in the top left corner of the plat as follows:
The undersigned, being all owner(s) of the property shown and described on this record plat, with the exception of lienholders, adopt(s) this record plat; establish(es) the building restriction lines; and dedicate(s) all public roads, widening strips, floodplains, easements, and rights-of- way to public use, such lands being deeded to Anne Arundel County, Maryland or to the State, as may be appropriate, prior to or contemporaneous with the recordation of this plat.
To the best of my/our knowledge, information, and belief, the requirements of the Real Property Article, § 3-108, of the State Code, concerning the making of plats and setting of markers, have been satisfied. There are no suits, actions at law, leases, liens, mortgages, trusts, easements, or rights-of-way affecting the property included in this record plat other than the following: ___________________________. All owners of the property, with the exception of lienholders, have affixed their signatures and seals on this record plat.
Witness and date: Owner and date:
___________________________ _________________________(Seal)
___________________________ _________________________(Seal)
I (we) assent to and do hereby join in this record plat.
Witness and date: Owner and date:
___________________________ _________________________(Seal)
___________________________ _________________________(Seal)
(9) for a residential subdivision in which open space is required, one of the following paragraphs within the dedication:
The open space shown on this record plat is conveyed to Anne Arundel County, Maryland, by deed to be set aside for public use, such lands being deeded to Anne Arundel County, Maryland, or the State of Maryland, as may be appropriate, before or with the recordation of this plat.
The open space shown on this record plat is set aside for the use of the residents of the subdivision and is conveyed to ____________________________________________________ [insert name of incorporated homeowners' association] before or with the recordation of this plat.
In lieu of setting aside open space, the owner(s) has/have paid a fee to Anne Arundel County, Maryland for the County's acquisition, creation, maintenance, and administration of offsite open space.
(10) a surveyor's certificate in the following form:
I certify that this record plat is correct; that it is a subdivision of [indicate “part” or “all”] of the lands conveyed by
[insert names of immediate prior grantors]
to ________________________________________________________
[insert names of present owners]
by deed dated _________ and recorded in the land records of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, in Liber ________ , Folio _______, and that the requirements of the Real Property Article, § 3-108, of the State Code, concerning the making of plats and setting of markers, have been satisfied.
______________________ _________________________________________
Date Surveyor's signature
Surveyor's typed name and address: Surveyor's professional seal:
___________________________ SEAL
(11) a notice to title examiners in the following form:
Notice to Title Examiners
This plat has been approved for recording only and shall become null and void unless a public works agreement has been executed and delivered simultaneously with the approval of this plat or no later than twelve months after this plat has been recorded.
(12) the name, address, and seal of the registered land surveyor responsible for creating the plat placed above the owner and surveyor certification on the left margin of the plat;
(13) all plat boundary lines, with lengths and courses to hundredths of a foot and bearings related to the County grid coordinate system to a minimum accuracy of 30 seconds, as determined by a survey in the field, with a minimum adjusted error of closure of one in 10,000;
(14) location and identifying marks for all permanent reference monuments and markers;
(15) the exact layout, including:
(i) the lengths of all arcs, radii, and tangents;
(ii) all lines with dimensions in feet and hundredths and with bearings to a minimum accuracy of 10 seconds;
(iii) easements and rights-of-way;
(iv) the limits of each 100-year floodplain, coastal floodplain, and coastal high hazard area; and
(v) all lots numbered in numerical order and all blocks lettered in alphabetical order in the manner required by the Office of Planning and Zoning;
(16) accurate outlines with dimensions and acreage of a lot reserved for acquisition and use by the County or the Board of Education;
(17) the gross area of each lot;
(18) the critical area boundary;
(19) the boundaries of an historic resource, archaeological site, or cemetery;
(20) the location of noise mitigation measures;
(21) the boundaries of a bulk parcel, with a note stating that the parcel may not be subdivided or otherwise developed without first passing the tests for adequacy of public facilities; and
(22) for a subdivision in the critical area:
(i) a chart containing clearing calculations by lot, in compliance with limitations established in §
17-8-602; and
(ii) a chart containing coverage calculations by lot and including reservation of coverage for future use, in compliance with the limitations and requirements established in §
(Bill No. 3-05; Bill No. 59-10; Bill No. 93-12; Bill No. 17-16)