(a) Generally. There are established within the County the following special tax districts for shore erosion control for the purpose of the construction, maintenance, and repair of facilities for shore erosion control under the provisions of Local Government Article, §§ 21-301 et. seq., of the State Code.
(b) Annapolis Cove Shore Erosion Control District. The limits of the Annapolis Cove Shore Erosion Control District are those lands shown on the plats of Annapolis Cove: Plat Book 75, Folio 36 (formerly Ogleton); Plat Book 82, Folios 30 and 31, Plat Book 91, Folio 49, and Plat Book 97, Folios 32 and 33, as recorded in the plat records of the County.
(c) Annapolis Landing Shore Erosion Control District. The limits of the Annapolis Landing Shore Erosion Control District are those lands shown on the plats of Tudor Hall, now known as Annapolis Landing, and recorded in Plat Book 67, pages 15 through 31, in the plat records of the County.
(d) Bay Road Shore Erosion Control District. The limits of the Bay Road Shore Erosion Control District are of approximately 1.3 acres, more or less, as conveyed by a deed on January 11, 1966, recorded in Liber L.N.P. 1939, Folio No. 580, as shown on a Plat of Riviera Beach, Section Z, as formerly filed in Plat Book W.N.W. No. 2, Folio No. 16, now recorded in Plat Book No. 2, Folio No. 22, the property being in the Third Assessment District.
(e) Camp Wabanna Shore Erosion Control District. The limits of the Camp Wabanna Shore Erosion Control District are those lands shown on Maryland Department of Planning Map 65 as Parcel 87, Property Tax Account Number 1000-0139-5215.
(f) Cape Anne Shore Erosion Control District. The limits of the Cape Anne Shore Erosion Control District are the subdivision known as Cape Anne as shown on the plat recorded among the plat records of the County on October 31, 1928, in Liber F.S.R., 2, Folio No. 12, such subdivision being part of a tract known as "Franklin Point" situate on Chesapeake Bay and Broadwater Creek, as recorded in Plat Book No. 6, Folio No. 35.
(g) Elizabeth's Landing Shore Erosion Control District. The limits of the Elizabeth's Landing Shore Erosion Control District are all those lands shown on the plats of Elizabeth's Landing in Plat Book 73, Folio Nos. 27, 28, 29, 30 and 49; Plat Book 79, Folio Nos. 46, 47, 48, 49 and 50; and Plat Book 82, Folio Nos. 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 and 46, as recorded in the plat records of the County.
(h) Hillsmere Shore Erosion Control District. The limits of the Hillsmere Shore Erosion Control District are lot No. 71, Block A, Section 1, Hillsmere Estates, as recorded among the plat records of the County in Plat Book No. 23, Folio No. 14, being the same property conveyed to Otto Reechel and Iva L. Reechel, his wife, from Hillsmere Estates, Inc., by deed dated March 11, 1955, and recorded among the land records of the County in Liber J.H.H. 913, Folio No. 203.
(i) Holly Point Shore Erosion Control District. The limits of the Holly Point Shore Erosion Control District are lot Nos. 53 and 54 in Holly Point in the Third Assessment District as conveyed by a deed recorded in Liber No. 1969, Folio No. 191, and as shown on a plat recorded in Liber F.S.R. 15, Folio No. 449.
(j) Indian Landing Shore Erosion Control District. The limits of the Indian Landing Shore Erosion Control District are property owned by the Indian Landing Boat Club, Inc., in the Second Assessment District, being all the land contained in the following deeds: a deed dated December 24, 1906, recorded in Liber G.W. 52, Folio No. 481; a deed dated August 9, 1907, recorded in Liber G.W. 53, Folio No. 437; and a deed dated October 4, 1937, recorded in Liber F.A.M. 172, Folio No. 170.
(k) Pine Grove Village Shore Erosion Control District. The limits of the Pine Grove Village Shore Erosion Control District are those lands known as Pine Grove (Homes) Village and Cottage Grove Beach, and shown on State Tax Map 11, Block 22, Parcel 224 and State Tax Map 17, Block 4, Parcels 488, 489, 491 and 497.
(l) Providence Shore Erosion Control District. The limits of the Providence Shore Erosion Control District are approximately 1.63 acres owned by the Providence Club, Inc., as shown as Parcel D on Plat No. 2 of Providence as recorded in Plat Book No. 32, Folio No. 28, the property being in the Third Assessment District.
(m) Robinson Cove Shore Erosion Control District. The limits of the Robinson Cove Shore Erosion Control District are lot No. 26, Block A, Pat Lane, Longview on the Magothy, Robinson Cove, as contained in Plat Book No. 24, Folio No. 33, the property being in the Third Assessment District.
(n) Snug Harbor Shore Erosion Control District. The limits of the Snug Harbor Shore Erosion Control District are those lands described in a deed dated August 31, 1953, and recorded among the land records of the County in Liber J.H.H. 829, Folio No. 522, as shown in a plat of Snug Harbor, recorded in Liber J.H.H. 829, Folio No. 527 of the land records, and recorded also among the plat records of the County in Book No. 10, page 8.
(o) Tydings-on-the-Bay Shore Erosion Control District.
(1) Except as provided in subsection (o)(2), the limits of the Tydings-on-the-Bay Shore Erosion Control District are as established by the County Commissioners on or about November 29, 1937, which district was described in the minutes of such meeting as lots numbered 1 to 37, inclusive, as shown on the plat of the subdivision of the Tydings Farm recorded among the plat records of the County, such lots being known as Zone No. 1; and all that portion running back of center of Chesapeake Road southwest approximately 450 feet and including in such strip a portion of lot A, now owned by George W. Heer, in the rear of lots 31 to 37, inclusive (such portion apparently intended to have been known as Zone No. 2), also Zone No. 3 immediately in the rear of Zone No. 2 running from that line southwest approximately 492 feet including that additional portion of lot A immediately in the rear portion of Zone No. 2 which is a part of lot A; Zone No. 4 lying immediately in the rear adjacent to Zone No. 3 and running back southwest for a distance of 522 feet and including also a portion of lot A immediately in the rear of lot A in Zone No. 3; Zone No. 5 beginning in the rear of and immediately adjacent to the rear of Zone No. 4, running back to the rear boundary line of the Tydings Farm as shown on the aforesaid plat and including also that portion of lot A lying immediately in the rear of that part of lot A which is in Zone No. 4.
(2) The following lots of ground in the Podickory Subdivision are excepted from the Tydings- on-the-Bay Shore Erosion Control District:
(i) lots 1 to 10, inclusive; 16 to 26, inclusive, as shown on plat of Section 1 of Podickory Point prepared by J. R. McCrone, Jr., Inc., Registered Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, dated December, 1962, and recorded among the plat records of the County in Plat Book No. 32, Page 36; and lots 11R to 15R, inclusive, as shown on a revised plat entitled, "A Resubdivision of Lots 11-15, Section 1 and Lots 2-4, Section 2, Podickory Point," prepared by J. R. McCrone, Jr., Inc., Registered Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, dated November, 1963, and recorded among the plat records of the County in Plat Book No. 32, page 66;
(ii) lots 1, 5 to 25, inclusive, as shown on plat of Section 2 of Podickory Point prepared by J. R. McCrone, Jr., Inc., Registered Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, dated May, 1963, and recorded among the plat records of the County in Plat Book No. 32, page 48; and lots 2R to 4R, inclusive, as shown on a revised plat entitled, "A Resubdivision of Lots 11-15, Section 1 and Lots 2-4, Section 2, Podickory Point," prepared by J. R. McCrone, Jr., Inc., Registered Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, dated November, 1973, and recorded among the plat records of the County in Plat Book No. 32, page 66.
(p) Ulmstead Estates Shore Erosion Control District.
(1) The limits of the Ulmstead Estates Shore Erosion Control District are set forth in deeds recorded in Liber No. 1655, Folio Nos. 73 and 83 of the land records of the County, and including the property retained within Ulmstead Estates by Lillian M. Lynch or descendants of Lillian M. Lynch; and parcel 71, owned by Louise R. Cramer as recorded in the land records of the County in Liber No. 2646, Folio No. 738.
(2) This district is established for the purpose of financing a shore erosion control project on the real property located within Ulmstead Estates and recorded on Subdivision Plat III of Ulmstead Estates as dedicated for a community beach.
(q) Venice Beach Shore Erosion Control District. The limits of the Venice Beach Shore Erosion Control District are those lands shown on a plat of “Venice Beach” dated August 28, 1929, and recorded among the land records of Anne Arundel County in Plat Book 7, Folio 13, Plat 370.
(r) Watergate Shore Erosion Control District. The limits of the Watergate Shore Erosion Control District are all of that area known as Watergate in the Second Assessment District as shown on the following plats: Plat Book No. 32, Folio No. 84; and Plat Book No. 33, Folio No. 37.
(s) Whitehurst Shore Erosion Control District. The limits of the Whitehurst Shore Erosion Control District are lot number 5, Block C, as shown on the plat entitled “Whitehurst”, recorded among the land records of the County in Plat Book No. 33, Folio No. 6, being one of the lots of ground and
premises which by deed dated July 29, 1965, and recorded among the land records of the County in Liber L.N.P. No. 1892, Folio No. 299, etc., was granted and conveyed by The Dixon Holding Company to Whitehurst Building Corporation.
(t) Winchester-on-the-Severn Shore Erosion Control District. The limits of the Winchester-on-the-Severn Shore Erosion Control District are lots 4, 5, 6, and 7 of Winchester-on-the- Severn in the Third Assessment District, as shown on Plat No. 1 of Winchester-on-the-Severn, as recorded in Plat Book 24, Folio No. 31, formerly Cab. 4, Rod G-7, Plat 10.
(1985 Code, Art. 6, § 3-104) (Bill No. 25-87; Bill No. 17-88; Bill No. 77-88; Bill No. 5-91; Bill No. 9-93; Bill No. 21-04; Bill No. 23-04; Bill No. 3-06; Bill No. 92-16)
Attorney’s note – The list of shore erosion control districts in this section is not exhaustive. Local Government Article, § 21-204, of the State Code, provides that territory within each subdivision in each Maryland county that abuts or borders on the Chesapeake Bay tributaries or any other stream or body of water in Maryland are created into separate taxing and assessment districts.