(1) Except as provided in subsection (b), the Personnel Officer shall evaluate all timely applications for a position and establish an eligibility list of those applicants who are qualified for the position.
(2) The Personnel Officer may remove persons from an eligibility list for good cause, shall determine how long an eligibility list remains in effect, and shall certify from an eligibility list the names of those persons who appear to be the most qualified for the position.
(3) An applicant for a position as a Fire Fighter II is entitled to receive preference in hiring if the applicant is certified as having satisfactorily completed the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute basic firefighting course; is a certified emergency technician; is certified by the Controller as having completed the two consecutive years immediately preceding the date of application for employment as an active volunteer member of the Anne Arundel County Fire Service as defined in §
12-1-301 of this Code; and successfully completes all components of the selection process. The hiring preference shall not displace any preference or requirement of any lawful selective certification applicable to the selection process for the position of Fire Fighter II.
(4) (i) “Eligible veteran” means a veteran of any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States who has received an honorable discharge or a certificate of satisfactory completion of military service, including the National Guard, the Coast Guard and the Military Reserves. An eligible veteran does not include a person who is employed by the County at the time of application.
(ii) An eligible veteran applying for the position of Fire Fighter II, Police Officer, Detention Officer, Deputy Sheriff I, Fire Communications Operator, Sheriff’s Communications Operator, or Police Communications Operator I or II who successfully completes all components and lawful requirements of the selection process shall receive preference in hiring. The hiring preference shall not displace any preference provided in subsection (a)(3) of this section.
(iii) Except for positions referenced in subsection (a)(4)(ii), an eligible veteran applying for a position in the classified service who meets all the components and lawful requirements of the position, and meets all the preferences posted for the position that other certified candidates meet, will be interviewed for the position.
(5) (i) “County resident preference” means the criteria established by the Personnel Officer to provide preference in hiring for a County resident.
(ii) A County resident applying for the position of Fire Fighter II, Police Officer, Detention Officer, Deputy Sheriff I, Fire Communications Operator, Sheriff’s Communications Operator, or Police Communications Operator I or II who successfully completes all components and lawful requirements of the selection process and is among the best qualified candidates shall receive a County resident preference and be certified for the position. The hiring preference shall not displace any preference provided in paragraph (a)(3) of this section.
(iii) Except for positions referenced in subparagraph (ii), a County resident applying for a position for initial appointment in the classified service who meets all the components and lawful requirements of the position, and is among the best qualified candidates shall receive County resident preference and be certified for the position.
(b) Eligibility list not established. Without the establishment of an eligibility list, the Personnel Officer may certify:
(1) the names, in order of seniority, of all persons eligible and currently entitled to priority employment or priority re-employment; or
(2) the name of a former employee who was terminated due to an inability to perform the essential functions of the employee's position due to medical restrictions so long as the rehiring occurs within one year of the employee's termination date.
(c) Administration. The Personnel Officer shall administer this section in accordance with Office of Personnel policies and procedures.
(1985 Code, Art. 8, § 1-106) (Bill No. 62-88; Bill No. 57-90; Bill No. 58-91; Bill No. 73-92; Bill No. 58-93; Bill No. 65-97; Bill No. 79-98; Bill No. 40-99; Bill No. 94-01
; Bill No. 80-07
; Bill No. 87-09)