§ 6-1-212. Night shift differential pay.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Eligibility. Except as provided in this section, an employee who is required by the appointing authority to work on a shift on which the majority of hours worked are after 4:00 p.m. and before 9:00 a.m. is entitled to be paid 7% more than the employee's regular pay rate.
    (b) Exceptions to eligibility. Subsection (a) does not apply to an employee whose work week is designated hours as required; an employee whose emergency assignment starts within or carries into the time period of 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m.; overtime work compensated at premium rates of pay, unless the employee would otherwise have been entitled to night shift pay; or an employee who is represented by a certified employee organization.
    (c) Memorandum of agreement applicability. A represented employee shall receive night shift differential pay as provided by the applicable memorandum of agreement, negotiated and executed in accordance with Title 4, between the County and an exclusive representative. Any non-represented Police Lieutenant shall be entitled to receive the same night shift differential pay as represented Police Lieutenants.
    (1985 Code, Art. 8, § 1-208) (Bill No. 39-88; Bill No. 60-88; Bill No. 65-97; Bill No. 40-99; Bill No. 70-00; Bill No. 52-02; Bill No. 34-04; Bill No. 46-11)