(a) Memorandum of agreement applicability. A represented employee shall receive allowances in accordance with an applicable memorandum of agreement, negotiated and executed in accordance with Title 4, between the County and an exclusive representative.
(b) Allowances for non-represented Police Lieutenant. A non-represented Police Lieutenant shall be entitled to receive the same allowances as represented Police Lieutenants.
(c) Allowances for Police Captain and Police Major. Uniformed officers in the classifications of Police Captain and Police Major are entitled to the same allowances afforded uniformed officers in the classification of Police Sergeant under this section.
(d) Allowances for Fire Division Chief and Fire Deputy Chief. Uniformed officers in the classifications of Fire Division Chief and Fire Deputy Chief are entitled to the emergency medical technician-paramedic certification allowance afforded to certain employees who are members of IAFF Local 1563 and to employees in the classification of Fire Battalion Chief.
(e) Allowances for Police Communications Operator III and Police Communications Operator IV. Employees in the classifications of Police Communications Operator III and Police Communications Operator IV are entitled to the same allowances provided to employees in the classification of Police Communications Operator II.
(f) Allowances for Animal Control Supervisor. Employees in the classification of Animal Control Supervisor are entitled to the same allowances provided to employees in the classification of Animal Control Officer.
(g) Allowances for certain represented employees in the “LM” pay grade.
(1) Certain employees in the classified service whose pay grades are designated “LM” are entitled to an increase of 5% of their regular rate of pay for all hours worked while assigned to the Fire Shop of the Central Services Garage, as set forth in the applicable memorandum of agreement, negotiated and executed in accordance with Title 4, between the County and AFSCME Local 582.
(2) Employees of the Detention Center who are in the classifications of Storekeeper II, Facilities Maintenance Mechanic II or Facilities Maintenance Mechanic III are entitled to 5% of their regular rate of pay for all hours worked, as set forth in the applicable memorandum of agreement, negotiated and executed in accordance with Title 4, between the County and AFSCME Local 582.
(1985 Code, Art. 8, § 1-210.1) (Bill No. 43-00; Bill No. 70-00; Bill No. 39-01; Bill No. 52-02; Bill No. 34-04; Bill No. 43-06; Bill No. 45-07; Bill No. 71-07; Bill No. 51-10; Bill No. 46-11; Bill No. 57-13; Bill No. 45-15; Bill No. 47-16; Bill No. 58-17; Bill No. 56-18)
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