(a) Generally. Upon request of an agency of the federal government, an agency of a State government, a quasi-governmental entity, or a political subdivision, the County may transfer fee simple title to real property for which it has no identified present or future need pursuant to this section.
(b) Procedure for disposition.
(1) Upon receipt of a request from an entity described in subsection (a) for fee simple title to real property, the Central Services Officer shall inquire as to whether any County office, department, or agency has a present need or reasonably anticipates a future need for the property.
(2) If no such need is identified, the Central Services Officer shall recommend to the County Executive that the real property be declared surplus property upon the approval of the County Council by resolution. The resolution shall explain the proposed use of the property.
(3) Notice of a request to transfer a property shall be advertised at least once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published in the County before the introduction of the resolution by the County Council described in paragraph (2). The notice shall state the name of the transferee, the location and description of the property, and the proposed use for the property.
(4) If the County Executive and County Council approve the declaration of the real property as surplus property, the Central Services Officer shall determine the fair market value of the real property by reviewing one appraisal if the assessed value is over $1,000. Upon reviewing one appraisal, if required, fee simple title may be transferred to the requesting entity.
(5) Any deed transferring property under this section shall include a clause reverting the property to County ownership if at such time the property ceases to be used by the other governmental jurisdiction for the purpose for which it was transferred.
(c) Exclusion. The provisions of this section may not apply to the Maryland Stadium Authority.
(Bill No. 51-18)
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