(a) How done. An owner may redeem an impounded animal by:
(1) complying with the rabies vaccination and licensing provisions of this title;
(2) paying all redemption fees;
(3) paying any outstanding fines unless adjudication has been requested;
(4) providing satisfactory proof of ownership; and
(5) complying with any other conditions for return of the animal as ordered by the Agency.
(b) Fees. Redemption fees include a $5 shelter fee for each day that the animal is held at the animal control facility, a $25 impoundment charge, and the cost of any required veterinary services. Accrued shelter fees shall be waived by the Animal Control Agency when a delay in adjudication at the Animal Control Commission, Board of Appeals, or Circuit Court occurs due to a contested request for postponement by the County. Fees shall be waived for the time between the request and the next hearing date.
(c) Community cats.
(1) Community cat caregivers may reclaim impounded eartipped community cats without the proof of ownership or the payment of shelter fees and impoundment charges required under § 12-4-504 and without complying with the licensing requirements under § 12-4-702, if the community cat caregiver agrees, in writing and on a form provided by the Agency, to abide by the trap-neuter-return standards described under this title and to return the community cat to its original location or provide for rehoming.
(2) If an impounded community cat has not been sterilized, vaccinated for rabies, and undergone eartipping, the community cat may only be redeemed by a community cat caregiver after receiving a rabies vaccination administered by the Agency. Release from impoundment shall be conditioned on referral to a trap-neuter-return program and a written agreement with the County. Documentation of sterilization and eartipping shall be forwarded to the Agency within 60 days of release from impoundment.
(1985 Code, Art. 12, § 5-104) (Bill No. 41-01; Bill No. 59-16; Bill No. 96-17; Bill No. 75-18)
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